Baxter - BX1763 B28

(39 ) We think Saint Paul was in the right that taught the Church ofRome it felf, both the Rulers and the Flocks, that they muff neither judge nor defpife each other for differences about Meats and Days, but receive eachother ( to Communion notwithffanding fuch differences ) as Chri t received us, Rom. 14. and z5. And we will not believe your Grand-Father, nor Great Grand Father, if they toldus that the Apoffles by Tradition did i:nftitute Holy -days,. and Vigils for St. Tecla, or St. lsridgit, or St. Thomas Becket, or, any that were not born till they were dead: And-anyone Day or Order which you truly prove to us that the ApofllesbyTraditionordained for theUniverfal Church, we profefs our felves ready and refolved to obey. But if you plead not Tradition for anyof thefe things, but the Churches Commands, (asyou muff do, or be fin gular, or afhamed ; .) here you. come to the quick ofour difference : z. We know not of any Univerpl Vicar Lw'-giver under Chrift.that hath any power to make Laws to the Univerfal Church throughout the World : and we dire not own any Poch Ufurper left we beguilty ofTreafon againít the onlyHeadofthe whole Church. a. We know not ofany power that the chief Bithop in the Roman Empire hath over other Empires, King domes, or Churches. 3. But to our own true Paflòrs which are fet over us according to Chrift's order and his Apof{les recorded in Scripture, we Puritanes will fubmit in all. fuch Circum- ftantials, as aforefaid,., which are left to their prudent de- termination, not.putting us on any fin. But, 4. We deteft making fuch things as you here . name to be taken for the Charaders of diiina Religions, or diflinUChurches, as ifwemight not withLove,Peace and Chriftian Communion, differ about a Garment, a Holy