Baxter - BX1763 B28

(42) Advocate and Witnefs to them ofhis Truth and Love and their Witnefs, Earneft, Seai,Pledge,and firOE Fruitsof endlefs Life : They take Eternal Glory for their full Fe- licity, and this World, andFleth, (Pleafure, Riches, and Honour, ) tobe fo far ufeful as they fignifie -Gods Love, and further our Love and Service to him ; but to be P.a. .city as íeparated from God in our Hearts, and Enmity, or Mifchief, as Competitors, or as againft him. In a word, Faith working by Supream Love and Obedi- ence to God, and BrotherlyLove to Man, by Honour to our Superiours, Juftice to all ; and by all thegood that wecan do in the World, andbyRepentance for our Sins, patience in fufferings, andby a Heavenly Mind, and Life, is the Sum of their Religion ; or plainlier as is , faid at firff, The Gofpel-Covenant as expounded in the Creed, Lords - Prayer, and Decalogue, as the Summary ofthings tobe believed, defired, and pratifed ; and theholy Scrip- tures as the full and comprehenfive Records of the Do- drine, Promifes, and Laws of God, containing the Ef- fentials, Integrals, and neceffary Accidentals of Religi- on. This is the Chriltian Religion, and the Puritan in queftion is but the SERIOUS CHRISTIAN di- Rind from the HYPOCRITE, or dead Formaliff. But ifyou add Non- conformityto thefenfe oftheWord, and to his Charater ; fo I. need not tell you what theIm- pofitions are which fome deny Conformity to, as to Oaths , New-Covenants , Subfcriptions , Declarations, Prac`rices, &c. which he protefteth that he would never deny Conformity to, if after his beft enquiry he did not believe that God forbiddeth it : (As you may fee at large in their Savoy Petition for Peace to the. Bifhops.) Thefe two it feems you join, together; and -what their Ob- jedive Religion is, Ihave.better told you, thanyou have told