Baxter - BX1763 B28

(43) told your Relations. But as to the clearnefs of their Judgment in it, and the meafureof their Pradiceof it, there are, I think, as various Degrees as there are Per- Ions, no twoMen in the World being in all things jai' ofthefame Degree. And now Sir give me leave patiently to ask you thefe two Queftions 1. Why would you by temerity go about to deceive your Relations, and other. Readers, by talking to them againft that which youdid not under- fiand ? Even then, when you blame others as dealing fo by the Papifis ? And why do you difhonour your own Relations fo, as to make fo bad a Defcriptionof them Are they fuchas have no Love to God as God, no delight inHolinefs, no HeavenlyMinds? nothing almofl butfear and itsleas? ? Have theyflilltheFlames ofconcupifcence, and greedy defires ofMoney and the things of this Life, ,c. Ifit be not fo, you fhould not have told the World ibof them : If it be lo, I am fòrry for them : I fuppofe it is contrary to their profeft Religion ; and you may have the greaterhopes tomake themPapifts ? IL What wonder is it that you that were no better a Puritan than you defcribe, are turned Papifi ? You that profefs you were a Puritan, muff needs be judged to tell us what aone you were your felf, when you tell us what they are ? Alas poor Man ! How came you tobe fo falfe to your own Profeflion, againfi your Baptifmal Vows, as to keep fo muchofthe World at your Heart, ingree- dy defires after Money, and to have no more Love to God andMan ? no more Righteoufnefs, Peace, and Joy in the HolyGhof}? Could you think that a Man could be faved without Love and good Works? Were you de- luded by fuch Antinornian conceits as you defcribe, and took that for Puritanifrne ? How elfe did you quiet your P z Con-