(45) loveth God and Goodnefs, you tell him that he is none of thofe that you perfwade toPopery : For you perfwade none to it, but thofe that are ungodly Hypocrites, ha- ving no true LoveofGod within them. But can you think, Sir, in good earneft, that Popery tendeth more to fill Menwith theLove ofGod, thanour fimple Chrifrianity loth? Is not Popery a Religion of Bondage and Servitude, confifting mainly in Terrour,and its fuperffitious effects ? What are moll ofyour Tasks of Pilgrimages, Penances, and abundance fuch, but the effects offervile fear ?: The:beft ofReligion next Heaven should be that which is nearefh.to Heaven. And doyou thinkyou can love God better in,the FireofPurgatory. Torments, than if he took youunto Chriff in Paradise ? Couldyou love God better in this Life, ifhe tormented you in the Fire,thanifhegive youcomfort by his mercies? You fay that the Puritan [ is made negligent (by his waft in Chriff) to adorn his Soul with Piety, Gh4rity, Meekness, Patience, Humility, and other Chriflian. Vere tues ; partly thinking them impoffible to be attained., partly erring there is no abfolate neceffity of them to his Salvation, he having nothing to do but to believe' that efirs chrig bath done allfor him.] Anfw. I had hoped; there had been few fach left in England: Even Crib and saltmarjh, were fcarce fo erroneous : And were you filch a one ? O miferable Manthat was fuch a Puritan ! Who did bewitchyou Co grofly . to contradict the whole Te= nour ofthe Gofpel? It is juft with God to leave you, to fet nowas light by the. Meritorious Righteou "ne(sof Chrijt as procuringyou Pardon, Grace, and Glory, as you did, then Let by Chriflian Virtues, Piety, and Love? But what ifit was fo with you, will that allow you to belie fo many others ? Howmany feoreVolumes have the Puri- tans