Baxter - BX1763 B28

(47) verycoldly and imperfectly, and fees to talk like Parrots,. of what they have learnt byrote or out ofothers Books, and not what they have had any experience of in their hearts.] And p. 6. [ Generally fpeaking, ( dwifb it were a (lander Prelatick Protefiants are very Prophane, and give nofigns ofany interiour trouble of Confcience : And if any of them begin to be heartily: troubled for his fn, he is obfervedeither to turnFangtick or Papifl.] 4nfw. If by a Prelatick Proteplant you fhould unhand- foml.y mean only filch as are woridry Clergy-men, like too many of your Roman Prelates and their Curates, who take Gain for Godlinefs, and who allow their Flefh, their Pride, their Covetoufñefs, and Voluptuoufnefs, and, Sloth, to chufe their Religion ; whofe God is their Belly, who glory in their flame, and who mind Earthly things, and are Enemies toCrois- bearing; and through Enmity to thofè that are better than themfelves, are Crofs-impo- fers, and Perfecutors, and Silencers, of fober faithful Minif}ers, becaufe they crois their Pride and worldly In teref} ; f'uch it's like may beno better Men than you de- fcribe them. But why Mould you take the Word in fo, narrow a fènfe ? But if by Prelatick Protefiants you mean all filch Pro- teftants whole judgment is for Epifcopacy, r. You de- ceive, and I fuppofe are deceived, in your diflinguilhing there fromNon-conformiffs : It's true that there are envi- ous falfè-hearted Prelatiffs in the World, that make falfe names for their Brethren, to procure the beliefof their f.lfe reports of them : And God will cut out the lying Tongue. But Iwill tell you the truth, whofe malice fo- ever is againff it there are Epifcopal as well as Presbyte- rian and independent Non-con!örmi /s now Yea, divers that are agai if the 'late Wars of the Parliament, and< againf