01) Cochlea, a Genebrard, or other tranfmarine Calumnia- tor, that never knew us here. Read but Davenant de yuft. and fee howyou flander theConformifts. And read my fore-named Books,and Mr. Truinans, Mr. wood6ridges, the MorningLe6tures at S. Giles of yuf{if. Mr. wotton de Reconciliat. Mr. Bradfhaw de aaflif. Præfat.'c. Mr. Gata- ker in many Books, 7o. Goodwin of Juflif. &c. and fee how you flander the Puritans. In a few plain words,Sir, the Proteftants do not expel Salvation by their own per- fonal righteoufnefs as coordinate with Chrifls, but as fubordinate to it, nor as a Righteoufnefs fo denominated from the fame Realm as Chrilts is, but from a lower Rea- fon,and fo as ofa lower fort. That is,["We all hold,that Gods Law to perfect man was perfect, being the Effect «of his perfect Holinels, and required perfonal perpetual " perfe t innocency and obedience in man : And that "man breaking this Law, was according to the Juftice of " it lyable to its Penalty, which is temporal, fpiritual, and " eternal death, or tobe forfaken of that God whom he cc forfook, and to be under the fenfe of his difpleafure, or " Juflice : Webelieve that Chrift Redeemed us from this " Punìfhment, by the merit of his perfect Holinefs and Obedience, and the fatisfac`tory facrificing of himfelf " on the Crofs, where he was in his meafure forfaken "of God, as in our {lead and for our fins 5 whole pu- "nifhrnent, as far as was fit for him to undergo, he vo- " luntarily.undertook to fuffer. We believe that he ne- " ver intended by this Redemption, to take man from " under his fubje&ion toGod, or make him an ungovern- " ed lawlefs Wight ; but that'bypurchafe he himfelf, as " Mediator, became his Lord and King, and Gods chief " Adminiflratorof the RedeemedWorld : Andhis Lord- "Redeemer, with the Will and Authority of God his G 2 " Creator,