Baxter - BX1763 B28

Creator, made him a newLaw and Covenant, freelf `4 giving Right to impunity (faxing paternal healing Còr `C restions, and temporal death, and degrees of detertion " if men neglect Grace) and Rig''t to the Heavenly Glory, " as thus merited focus by Chrift ; and alto the Corn- " munion of the Holy Ghofl on Earth, to fit us by Holi= "nefs far Heaven, and to conquer our fins ; and this to "all that will by a true effe&ual Faith, accc.mpanyed with K` Repentance, unfeignedly accept the Gift of God, that "is, that will truly confent to the Baptismal Covenant, takingGod for their reconciled God and Father, Jefus "Chriit for their Saviour, and the HolyGhcít for their "'Sanctifier and Comforter, renouncing the Devil, the " World, and the Fle h, and engaging themfelves as in "aHolyWar againft them, as the Enemies of the blef " fed Trinity, and them. And this Covenant they rnuít "keep: For as it giveth Right to Life to filchBelievers,fo "it denounceth certain damnation toUnbelievers and un- thankful Negledters of fo great Salvation. "Sothatwhenby[RIGHTEOUSNESSEJwe "mean that which anfwereth Gods perfect Law, having " no finful inperfec`tion, we all profefs that we have no " fach Righteoaafnefs of our own to truft in, there being " no man without fin ; and all fin by the Law of Inno- "cencydenominating the firmer unrighteous and punifh " able' by death: But inileàd'of filch Righreournefs,, " Gods Juftice is fo far fati4ied ?'v theSacrifice andper- " fed Righteòufne.s cf Chíi{t, as that he freely giveth " us the fórefaidCovenant, and its Free Grace'endBene- "fits: But becaufò we muf ° be judged by the Redeemer "according to his Law of Grace, therefore we muff in "our felves pèrfón llyhave theKighteoufnefsWhich that 49 flaw éjr Covenant bath made nt;ceffaty to our Juffifi- cation