Baxter - BX1763 B28

"âatiorr firffand:QumSalvation afterwards ; which is firfk rC our forrfaid . Faith.ortCovenant-Confent, and after (to "our falvation) our keeping of that Covenant in true "Obedience andLH:Qlitiefs to the end,, and our Victory " over the three Enetaies whichwe renounced. So that C' briefly, God juftifieth as the Donor and the Judgel. Chrii} God and Man, as Mediator, juftifieth us metito- riou/iy, as aforfaid and by donation and final fentence; our f m6 ad Inapunitatem Gloriam, our Right to imp- " nity and the.Heaverrly Glory, juf}ifieth us, as. Our Formal. e' Riyhteoufnefs (which is a Relation) againft. the.Accu(a- " tion that we-:ought tobe {hut out of Heaven 'and damn " C ed to Hell. The Covenant of Grace juftifieth us, by " giving us Right to the Loveof the Father, the Grace "of the Son, and the. Communion of the Holy. Gholt " Even as Gods Donative and .Condonative Inftrument, "or Adof Grace. Our Perfonal Faith including Repen- '. tance juftifiethus, as the matter of our Formal Righte- ' oufnefs againft that particular .Accufation, that we " are liven,tent- Unbelievers, and fo have no part in %Chrift and hisCovenant Gift. Andour fincere, though "Iiripetifed, HolinefSadded to our Faith,; is outmaterial, 'Right is, i_gai4ithat particular Acçufation, that "we are unholy, and-founqualified for Heaven : So that " the formal iN t are, of Righteotifnefs being Relative, and the_ word- i vi g artnus : ferifès according to the. "variety i1efpei -t -tad` : all:=thefe fore-mentioned .h4- vit ttht try 4f oral parts or offices, <ïtto the. &mg of our ":fnal `pert -a, jufïtificat .on, . all thefe. may accordinglybe h'FCéafons of der expectation offalvation. I forgot 'totadde, thatwe,are fofariuftifiedby) the Hold Ghefl al Co, 'oas i s txl}éAtithdr cif''Vhiis Holin fs,:t which zs 'our ne- "- ceffary qualification for eternal life. I Cr o. ; Lido a %ít.1.3)4)5 Ihave