Baxter - BX1763 B28

But, Sir, whenyou fay,'pag.6.,[An Imputativeholy NMI " is a meer Chriflmas mummer g] And after your jeafling "with theBoys and Girls, and theCoblers andBotchers Regal Attire, and the Daw and her fineFeathers, you "conclude [filch willbe thefad Lot ofmeerly Imputative " Saints, who to themfelves and their Brethren feem very "fine in the extrinfcal Righteoufnefs of Chrifl, put on by CI' their phantaffical Faith, whilft God and his Angels tin- " der all tks conceited affumed Bravery fee a lafcivious, ec wanton, covetous Mifer.] I mull crave leave to call up- on your Confcience, to judge whether a man that profel- feth that while he Teemed a Puritan he was but an unholy, lafciz'ious,wanton,and covetous miter, and fînce his turning Papa tells the World inPrint, that he is now a moll fai/e calumniator, be a fit perfon to invite his Relations to fuch a pitiful change,, to fave their Souls ? While you talkt but of [Imputative 7uflice] fome mens ambiguous words gave you an excufe : For fòme Proteflants think that no- thing fhould be called TmfiifyingRighteoufnefs, which is not finlefs and perfet : But this is but a Controverfie about a wordor Name ofRighteoufnefs. But when you here pretend, that they are for. meerly ImputedHolinefs, I muff fay that I remember not that ever L read a more im- pudent Slander : And he that will dwell in Gods holy Hill muff not receive a falfe Report, efpecially in de['pight of the fullefl evidence that man can, defire : Are not our Bookfellers Shops full of Books for the necefl"ity of per- . fonal H' linefs ? and that none can befaxed but Saints r Is it not one of our dillikes of your Way, that Saints Tull be made rare Canonized Perfons, when all Chri- flians hold, that without Holinefs none fhall fee God ? When ahnoftall the Sermons that, ev I hea4dPreached by any man of fenfe in try life prof fl this,, and alnico al'