Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 57 ) or the Preaching of Chriffs Gofpel, or Chrií}ian Peace, to thofe that differ about them. And I think this mid- dle way is approved by God and Angels, and bymanyat death, or after long experience, who were againff it be- fore in profperity and paflion. The Inffances which you give, are, L That [thePre- hoick Protefhant is very angry with the Puritan, that he will not abftain from Flefh in Lent, on Frydays, Ember- days, and Vigils of Saints ---Though pra lically (peaking no body takes deft notice of them than himfelf ---_And the poor Puritan, becaufe be will not folemnly invite the People to obferve, what himfef never intends to take the leaf notice of, muß for this be filenced andfufpended both from Office andBenefice.] Anfir. t. Here you thewwhat things they be that you turn Papiff for: Is not eating Flefh on Frydays, Lent, or vigils, -a worthy matter to make another Religion of, or toprove men tobe of differing Churches ? 2. I toldyou before, that the Puritans judgment is as. Paul's, that fuch things fhould be left indifferent, or at leaf( make no breach among us ; by our judging or de-- fpifing one another : And that neither the Pope, nor any men on Earth, haveAuthority to make Univerfal Laws- for them to all the Chriftian World ; and that there is no true Tradition of Apoftolical Inffitution of them z: But yet that fuchFaits and Feaffs as are appointedby true Authorityof Prince or Paffors, not againff theLaws of God, and fuch as íhall. be proved tobe inffituted by the Apoftles, they will obferve. 3. But the poor Puritan is indeed in hard.Circumffan- ces, were there no life after this ! Some of them have no Flefh to eat, either on ,Frydays, ,or any, day in the Week, but live thankfully upon IBrèad and Milk, and force fuel: H things