THE CON T E N TS. CHAP. L Nether Chrifl bathnot left us Pure and eafie notice what the Chriflian Religion is : what it is, and bow delivered to as, in three degrees. i. The Effentials generally in the Sacramental Covenant. z. The Expoft;: on oftheEf entials in three jummaries, the Cr; ed, Lords Prayer and Decalogue. 3. The Efentials, Integrals and needful Accidentals in the whole Canonical Scripture. p. I, Our Confeffion, Articles, Books, andSermons arebut the expregions of our Subjetíive Religion, or fides menfurara, and ate not our Objective and fides menfurans in termi- nis. p. 9. The rapes confers every word of our Objellive Religion to be Divine and Infallible. But we confefs not the truth ofall theirs; They blame au only, Y. As not having e- nough. 2. And ás not receiving it'the right way. p. 9. L whether, thePapsfls Religion be better than ours; ars bigger? Some Q criesof the Antiquity of thebeliefofthe Roman additions, -iz. the Apocrypha and the Decrees ofall thecouncils, &c. p. i o,&c. what Implicite Faithwe are (a) agreed