Baxter - BX1763 B28

(62) make a particular Guide neceffary, who cannot refolve our doubts till he know the Cafe. 3. In Cafe that the, Confcience be fo burdened with the ;fin, as that the inner cannot byother means find eafe, till he have disburdened himfelf by fuch Confeffion. 4. In Cafe it be neceffary to heal any fcandal given to 'others ; It is a very great duty for drunkards, fornicators, deceivers, and fuch others togo to their Companions, and lament their fin, and perfwade them no more to do as they have done And ifrequired by the Paffors to take publick fhame be- fore the Congregation, and acknowledg that thedoórine ofChriff never countenanced them in any fuch fin, that Religion and the Church maynot bear the reproach of their delinquency. And to beg the prayers ofthe Con- gregation for their pardon , and that the Pallor by virtue of his office will pronounce it. But we are not afhamed to confefs that neither Puritans nor Prelatiffs think it lawful to make the people believe that they muff needs tell the Prieft ofall the fins that they commit, and dutyes that they omit ; Nor to uphold pragmatical Prieffs in the trade of knowing all mens thoughts and fecret a6tions, even Princes, by which they may betray them. i. Thenumber of people and oftheir fins, is fo great as render it impoffible : In this Parifh it's thought there is above threefcore thoufand fouls : How many thoufand finful thoughts, or words or deeds a great part of thefe may commit in ayear, I Ieave to your Con- jecture : only I muff tell you that ifall men High and Low, that are called Papiffs about us, fhouldbut tell the Prieft of every time they are drunk, and every Fornica- tion they have committed, every prophane Oath they have fworn, everyLye theyhave told, (efpecially againff the Proteffants,) and ofevery filthy and prophaneWord that