Baxter - BX1763 B28

The Contents. aryreed in, andwhat not. p. r 2. The Papiftsconfers that their Church bath not kept God's own written wordwith- out many hundred errours, and fo not all that is de fide. p. 13. Therefore they mutt needs dijtinguifh the Elíentials of Chriftianityfrom other points. OfImplicite beliefin the Pope and Councils. p. 13. &c. , II. whether it was or is nece(fary to receive Chriftianity itsfrom the Infallibility or'Authority of the Pope andPapifts (or Councils) p. 19. &c. we have much more and fryer Tradition for our Religion than that which the Papifts would have iss truft to. 20. The difference of oar Tra. ditionfrom theirs. whether Rome or a church there may not ceafe. p. 22. whether the Seat, the Eleflion, or what Bothprove the Pope tobe St. Peter's fuccefour. p. 23. whe- ther Books or oral Tradition by Memory of all Generati- ons, be theParer prefervativeoftheFaith. p. 24. CHAP. II. THe Puritan is ambiguoufly named, andfall?), defcribed. P. 25. OfImputedRighteougnefs. p. 30. Puritanes not again; external worfbip, nor all Ceremonies. p. 36. Of their Urage. ibid. The Puritans judgment about Falls Holy-days, Cere- monies, &c. p. 38. The Papifl': writer knoweth not what the Puritans Religion is. p. 4o. The true Religion ofa Puritane defcribed. p. 41, 42. 1. The writer wrongeth his Relations. 2. He declareth that he wao before an rn- godlyperfidious Hypocrite, and no trj+e Puuritane, andthere fore no wonderthat he turnedPapift. p. 43. None