Baxter - BX1763 B28

cufed of diforder and confufon, do many of, them loath. diforder and confution, even in words and doctrine. And theydiiinguifh here between the churches keeping and teaching the Chriftian Faith, and the churches judging in matters ofFaith. The firft they are wholly for : We muff receiveour Faith from our Teachers, and oportet difcen- tem fide humana credere. But if by judging you mean ffriftly a Decifive judgment, in whichwe muff refs, which way foever the fentence pafs, as if the Church might not only teach us the truth of our Religion, but judge in partem utramlibet, whether it be trueor not, thePuri- tans own no filch power in the Church, nor will fo fub- mit their Faith to the judgment of it. They believe that Paffors in Councils have power to judge that there is a God, Alniigl ty, &c. a Chrift, a Holy Ghoff, that Chriff dyed, rote, &c. that the Scripture is true, that there is an abfolute neceflity of Hollers, that there is a Refur- redion and Life everlaffing, that Gods Commandments muff be kept, and fin not committed, &c. But that no Council hath power to judge that there is no God, no Chriff, or the contrary toanyoneof thefe, or anyother revealed Truth of God. XI. AndI muff not let pafs your Schifrnatical inference, that [elfe there fhould be as many Religions and ways of wor hip rs, Parifhes or perfons3 if fome fupretne Governour determined not inmatters ofworfh-ip : For 1. It was not fo when noSupreme Governour determined, on mirth : 2. But either you mean ..the subf antiai.s of Gods Worm Chip ór the circumflantiies : In -the firft is not to be got by force,foneither is Godlinefs, but yetGovernours fhoul°d here do their !Jeff : But as to the other we abhor the Conceit, that thereare as many Religions, as there is differenceaboutve(fures,gefaares, -nays andmeats But