(72) But perhaps you take the wordReligion in the Romane fenfe, as you confine it to thofe that you call [the Re- ligions] (as if you took the peopleof your Church to be irreligious : ) And fo you have indeed too many Religious, however they come tomake one Church : The Religion ofthecarthufans is one, and ofthe Beneditlia es another, and oftheFrancifcans another ; .. I cannot name them all : One eateth Herbs and Fiili, and another eateth Flefh feldom,another often 5 one wearethonehabit,and another weareth another; one Religion hath oneRule ofLife,and another hathanother. But with us there is but one Re- ligion ( which is the chriflian) thoughone man wear cloth and another fluffe, one whiteand another black, oneeat Flefh and another Fifb, and another can feldom get either ; though one wear his Hair long and another ihorr, though one be old and another be young, yet we are all of one Religion : Yea, though one preach and pray in Englifh,another in Welch, another inFrench, andano- ther inDutch, yet we take not thefe tobe fo many Religi- ons : Nonor thoughone thinkFreepraying fitter forMini- ílers thanan impofed Form, and another think an impofed Form only fit, and a third think as the meer Puritan, that both having their Conveniences and Inconveniences, there fhould be feafons for both. And I pray you here tell me two things if you can. z. Whether the great difference of Liturgies (which are the very words and Order of theChurches wor/hip) be not liken a difference of Religions , than the colour of our cloaks, Or the meat weeat, or the lightingof a Candle, &c. And yet do I need to tell you how many Liturgies are recorded in the Bibliotheca Patrum ? Yea, that it was fixhundred years and morebefore the Churches in one Empire ufedall one andthe fame Liturgy ? and for fame hundred