(76 ) of Union : For we believe it imponible to be perfeft in Concord, whilemofr, yea all are fo wofully imperfe9 in Knowledge, Faith, Love andObedience. We wait for perfelion of all in Heaven ; and we find that few things in the World ever did fo much againft Unity, as pretending to more than is to be hoped for, and laying inon fo high terms, and fo many as weknow will never be received. Therefore our Mutual Love and forbear- ance with diferent Forms and Circumf'ances, is agree- able to the Principles ofour Religion. But for you that pretend to unity, Concord, and In. fallible judgement, to tolerate Cart-loads of Docgrinal Controverfies, divers Expofitions of many hundred Texts of Scripture, divers readings of the Text it felf; contrary Dotrines about God's Grace, about all the Ten Commandments, about theMates and Lives of Kings, and never fo much as to condemn either fide nor filence the Preachers, never imprifon them, or banifh them five miles from Cities and Corporations, never put them to any difgrace, but fFill honour them as renowned Doâors, as if theLives of Kings, and the reff ofthefe things were lefs than a Form of Prayer, or a Ceremony, yea when your Inquifïtion torment poor Proteftants for fmaller matters,, (as reading the Bible, or a Proteflant Book; ) methinks all this fheweth that Chriftian Concord is foun- ded on better Principles than yours, and that yours is but theBond of your Clergy interefl. CHAP.