Baxter - BX1763 B28

The Contents. None but Euch can turn Pai ijis without felf Contra- di lion. His [Zander of thePuritanes, that they think Piety, cha- rity, Humility and other Chrijlian Virtues notpoble and neceffary to fal.vation. p. 45'. CHAP.III. His hardCharacter ofPrelatical Prote(lants. p. 46. Many Nonconformifis are Epic. opal ; therefore not di/ling'uiI able by that name. p. 47. what men many Bifhops and Confermifls have been and are in England. p. 48. TheReligion which is uppermaff, right or wrong, will be profiledufually by the rnof, and therefore by badmen. p. 49. It is worfe with thePapifls, whoare miny very bad, even where the? direrfrom fuperiours and fuffer. ibid. His accufations of Puritanes and Prelaticas Proteftants about imputedRhteoufnefs and inherent confuted: A true defcription ofthe Protefiants judgment ofjuilifying Righte- oufnefs. p. 51, 5'2,&c. Hu derifion of Imputed Righteoufnefs as a Mummery. p. 54, 55. Hisgrofsflander that we are for [meer Imput- ed Holinefs.] p. 55. The truemiddle way about Indifferent Rituals. p. 56. r. of h.:4 charge on Prelatifis for filencing Puritanes for not obferving Fafls, &c. which they negleöt themfelves4 P.57. Puritanes and Papifsfalling. 2. ofwax taperson theAltar. p. 58. 3. Of the, Sign ofthe Crois. p. 58, 59. 4. Ofthe real prefence. p. 6o. ( a ) 2 5 of