Baxter - BX1763 B28

(79 ) well in what fenfe he took theword [Papift.] I fuppofe you know that Grotius, who perfwadeth us all to an obe- dient Union with your Church, under the Popes Govern- ment according to the Canons, owning the Decrees of all the Councils, even that of Trent, yet for all this doth fpeak againfl Papifis : But he tells you that by Papifls he meaneth thole Flatterers of the Pope, who approve of all that he faith or doth. And that it was not the Govern- ment or Doctrine of that Church that was to have been reformed, but the Opinions of force schoolmen, and the exceffes, and ill lives of many of the Clergie. Now could not Grotius eafilyhave produced fuch Papifis as thefe, as having Paid as grofs things as you recite? And how far Bithop Bromhall, and the Doaor that lately publithed him, own Grotius, I will not tell you, but refer you to their own words: Towhich many more might eafily be added. Now fuppofe that Dr. Heylin, or A. BithopBromhall, or his Prefacer fhould fay, that by [Papifs] they mean fuch as Grotius did, do you think that theycould not prove as grofs words, as any cited by . you, in force fuch Flatterers of the Pope ? And you know, I fuppofe, that force of late would not have the Church of Rome called Papïfts, or at leaff fo charged, but only the Court of Rome. But let us take noticeof force of the Particulars. L Your firf} Article is,' That Papifis are faid to worfhip . stocks and stones, Medals, andPitures of 7efus Chrift ors Gods, and pray to them, and put their whole confide' i ence in them, as the ancient Heathens did in their dumb Idols of Jupiter, Mars, +c. ref. ''Your.I d r are ofteharged with maintain= that the Irnaggof Chrift and the ceofs mull be war- fkipped , with /atria, which4, die.Worflúp calledDivine : And