Baxter - BX1763 B28

(So And infleadof thisyou put in the word Us Gods.] It is not [u reputing theee Images to be really Gods,] but [war- fhipping them as God only Amid be voor/hipped,' contrary to the fecondCommandment, which forbiddeth fuchBodily . scions as were fymbolical of Idol-Woríhip, though the mind were kept never fo free from accounting God tobe. like Idols, or Idols to be Gods. t. Who chargeth you of putting your whole trufl in Images? Is not part ofit too much ? 3. How prove you that the Heathens ordinarily did fo ? Or that they took 7upiter, &c. to benothing but the Image, andnot a Caleftial.Power? 4. But inftead of faying any more on this point, I again tell you, that Dr. stíllingfleet hath in his new De- fence againfl r. G. fo fullyproved that the generality of theHeathen Nations did worfhip one Univerfal Supreme God, and worshipped their inferior Gods much like as you do Angels, and worshipped their Images, not as be- ingGods themfelves, but with fuch a Relation to the Deity, as you do your Images and that your Image Worship is fuch as theancient Fathers condemned in the Heathens 5 that none of you will ever be able folidly to confute him, or defend your.Idols any more : So dear do you pay for T. G. his temporary triumph. II. Your fecond feigned Charge is, [That thePope can givemen leave to commit any fin for money----or fo pardon any fin after, as you Pall not be in the leafs danger of any puni/hment for it temporal, or eternal, in Purgatory, or in ell.] An('. I will takeyour part in this, and prove that the - .Squib= maker, loo drew up this :Charge,`doth do you wrong: ':.What' a Sot was hè think that any Pope wóúld ever be fic,' -oar fore,: ördye, if he could forgive all