Baxter - BX1763 B28

) meti,.thatif .one Article in avow, àmóngMaly, beun- lawful, they may renounce all Obligation to any thing :elfe that there is Vowed ;, and fo a Knave may be difob= lilted to all Vows andCovenants, it he will but drop in any thing : that is unlawful. Do not your unlearned Niultitudeloin in your Latine Prayers? DoMafs- books, and your daily Maifes, all deceive. our Eyes and Ears ? No, that's not it ; what then ! mutt all be defarous to un- derffand it, if they cannot ? I rather think the Calumny is, that E his mind and heart may be wholly taken up with worldly defines ? J But who was it that put in that into the Charge ? was it not your felf? We know that you fay, There lhould be fame General kind ofDevotion andgood Defire, though he know not what is Paid ; and a General Belief; called Implicite, which is no Beliefof any of the Particulars,' and a General Implicite Defire, which is no Defire ofany exprefs Particular, ,being a Faith that is no Faith, and a Prayer which is no Prayer, would make a Religion which is no Religion, if you had no better. V. The next is [ If he do but believe as his Church-men believe, though he be wholly ignorant of their Belief, his Soul is lafeenoUgh . 4nfw. What is a Man . but his Wit ? The Word (wholly) craftily put in by your felf, enableth you alío to renounce this Charge : For we all confefs that your Doors commonly hold, that this one Article muff be believed, ì [That the Church is to bebelieved and obeyed,] and that's one Particular. But I_pray tell us if you can x. Dareyour-Church fay that every word revealed mutt be believed Explicitely of neceßïty to Salvation ? No : z. Andhave they in any, General Council determined what tholT Partiçular ,Articles arethat: are fo ,neceffary, íit you 'd parted from the ii ciency of -the Cre_e4? ) bi