(8) Or do not your Doáìors, without any. Decree of the Church, de to debate it as a free opinion ? 3. And do they not differ among themfelves, as all in pieces about the Point? Anddo not your chief Learned School-men cited at large by Fr. a SanaaClara on our Articles hold that the Particular Belief ofChrifr himfelf, or the fuper- natural Articles of the Creed are not of neceflity ? And I know not ofany one thing that you are agreed to be ne- ceflary, be{ïdes the Belief that the Church, ( that is, the Pope and his Council) are Infallible, or to be believed and obeyed 5 and it is a Learned School Dofor and Jefuite Fran. AlbertinU Corol. p.;25o. that juftifieth a Country- man that fhouldbelieve a falihood if twenty Bifhops tell it him, and that the Command ofFaith doth oblige to believe falfhood, it beingnot per fe, but per accidens, ¿-.c. And I think the old man is now among you at London, (Fr. a Sanaa: Clara, who having cited abundanceof Doctors againfl the neceffity of believing in Chriff or anySupernatural Point, or in Tome cafes knowing the Law of Nature and the. Decalogue, faith p. zo. Cro fpeak myfence freely, I think that the Common People com- mitting thernfel*es to the infiraálien o f the Páflors, trail ïng their knowledge and go©dnefs, if they be decanted, t /hall he accounted invincible ignorance, or probable at leaf/ SoHerera ; which excu(eth fromfault Tea, force Do.`lors give fo much to the Inftruaion of Donors on whom the care of the Flock lyeth, - that if they . teach, hie &nunc that God would be hated, ,that a rude Pírifhioner is bound to "be- lieve them. See abundance more in him cited, Deis, :fiat. Grit. Probi. 15, and .i6. And that you may know that this opinion is not rare, he addeth, p. 12.3. I=t; feemeth to be 'the, commonopinion of the Schools and Dflaorsat this day, 'that the with' their 'Tea- . chers