Baxter - BX1763 B28

(S6) chers, or Peors, are altogether excu.polfrom all fault rea, by erring thus many waye8 materially they merit for the Acof Chriflian Obedience which they owe their tea- chers, ,a5 Valentia faith To. 3. Difp. I. q. 2. p. 5. and others with Angles, Vafquez, &'c.7 And if this be true, what Prince, Lord, or any other Lay-man, that would be out of all danger ofSin and Hell, would not be a Papift, and be fure to chufe a Prieft that is ignorant enough to take Perjury, Drunken- nefs , Gluttony , Adultery, Fornication, Perfecution, Opreflion for no Sin, and then he may be fure that it's none to him, but he meriteth by obeying him that will perfwade him to it ? And what if thofe bid Subjeas kill their Kings, would it not be finlefs and meritorious bythis Rule ? But you'll fay, Thefe be but the words of Writers, and Books may be mifunderftood, when they fay that this is the common Opinionof the Doctors. And per- haps if I talk with you, or another, you will proteft that this is none of your belief. But how Mall I know that tì . H. or his Neighbour, or Grandfather, know better what is the Faithor Religion of the Papifts than theold Queens Confeffor, and all thofe famous Do&ors, whom he citeth, and all that Imy felf have read ? And remember your Undertaking, cited in my Title Page. Is it not themolt common Opinion of your DoEtors, that all men are bound to know and believeaccording to their opportunities, and probable inftrulions ? But what is commonlyneceffary your Learned Church-men cannot tell us, no not the Pope or Councils ? And who can tell what other mens capacities and opportunities havebeen ? and fowhether he beaBeliever indeed, or not? or bound tobe fo ? VI. Your