p; The .Epi,/lle. &clefatical Affairs. which,we hoped,would have ended all our difcords. The Reafons of the. Great < hange, and New Impofitions, it is God, and not we, that mull have- an ac- count offrom the Convocation,&c. andof the confequents. Since then, as we forefaw, con- trary interests have increafed contrariety : The Lg vs againft our Preaching to more than four,the Penalties of forty pound a Ser- mon, and long imprifonment in common Gaols, and driving us five miles from Cor- porations, and places where we lately preachf, and the reafons given are not un- known to you : Many Books are written, and Sermons preached , earnefily preffing Ma- giftrates to execute thefe Laws againft us And though, when demanded, we gave in a Catalogue ofdivers things in the old Impo- litions, which we undertook to prove to be great fns; and in our Petition for :Peace, pìotefled that nothing but avoidingfn should hinder our Conformity, and we had never call or leave to give our reafons againft the NewConformity ; I my Pelf have been, re- ported to my Superiours, to ber one that con- efeth the Lawfulncfs ofall, five ti ;e renoun- cingofa rebellious Covenant : And while the Law and Canons imprifon, and excommúni- 'cate us ipfbfado,ifwe do but give thereá/òns of our Nonconformity ; and Ihave. offered to Reverend $if -ops an =1 others, tobeg reeve to do