Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

the firft 300 years under heathen Emperours, but for many hundred years after under Chriftian Emperáurs and Princes. 2.' That this was taken for their right given them byQod. To cite more proofs,for this would expofe 118 to the readers centhre, as unneceffary tedioufnefs Many Papifts largely prove it ; As doth _David Biondel beyond exception, de jute plebis regimine;Eccicf4ftico, with more. 3. That yet we here plead not for the necefliity, offo much as the peoples election as it fignifitth the firft nomina- tion ofthe perfon, but only for the necefty of confent, either explicitly or implicitly expreft. If the tenior Paftors have the firft noìnination, or if it be the Magiftrate, or Patrons, as with us, we quarrel not againft it, if the flock do but confent., Parents may Chufe Husbands and Wivesfor their Children ; but they are notfah at all tiff mutual confent. XLV. 13. The confect of a few of .t/eChurcl"; is not t_ he confent of the Church ; Nor is it Schifm for the Major part to differ from their choice or determinations ( as fuch. ) Irá Government , the will of the Sovereign is the publick will; But in contracts, and confent of a Community, where "Unity is the thing intended, and voting the means , the Major part is denominatively the fociety, ( unlefs they 'have made others their truftees or delegates in Electing, Contenting themfelves tò what they do, j fuch focieties are not denominated from the Minor, or a (mall part, as contradiftine( from the refl. If a Diocefs have a thoufand,or 600,or 300 Parith Paftors, and a hundred thoufand or a<. million of people (or Ç0004 or 20000 as you