[8i] will fuppofe) and if only a dozen or twenty Presbyters, and a thoufand people ( or none ) chafe the B fhop, this is not the Elec`hion or con- fens of the Diocefàn Church; Nor is it Schifm for z0000 to go agáinft the votes of 20500, XLV I. 4. If Bfhops that have no better a foundation of their relative power over that particular flock, shall impofe inferior Paftors or Presbyters on the Parifh-krhurches;& command th, peoples acceptance & obedience, the people are not bound to accept and obey them, by any authority that is in that command as filch : Nor is it Schifm to difobey it, no more than it is treafon to rejea the Ufurper ofa Kingdom. XLVII. i 5. whileft filch obtruded Parifh Paftors have no content of the flock (explicite or implicite ) that Parafh is no Parifh C`-inch, in the proper Political Organized fenfe, as we now fpeak of a Church, as conftituted by the Governing and Governed parts. For that which wanteth an effential part, wanteth the Effence, And therefore it is no Schifm to pronounce it 720 fuck Church, and to deny it the Communion roper to filch a Church. Though yet as the word [Church] doth fignifae an ungoverned So- ciety in potentia proxtma to receive Govern- ment, they may be improperly called a Cborch as they are in a vacancy. XLVII. 16. If they that make a Diocefs the loweft proper Ch.urch(vkhick bath a Bifhop,and none under him) and a Parifh to be but a part of the Diocefan Church, and no proper Church of it fell, as having no Epifc6p,as Cregis, (hall a, CLfe thole as feparating from the Church,who frparate not from the Bifhopa and keep to any parifh