Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[88] of the different fruits of different Teaching (when all have. the Creed ; ) Nor dare deny the neceffity of ferious faith, repentance and holinefs to falvation ( left we renounce the Gofpel, ) nor yet that no men ( much lets molt men or many thoufands) may as an at of obedience. to man, refufe thofè helps which God provideth them, and without which few Comparatively are truely converted from a Carnal life and faved ; fo therefore we dare not think or fay, that humane Lawes or orders are arguments of fufficient weight to move them hereunto. L[i[ó Obj. 3. But the hurt ofthepeoples chuft Teachers and Affemblies without or againfl the Rulers will, is greater than the hurt that- cometh by the want ofbetter Teachers. Anf. r. The peoples choice doth.hurt by accident in thole Countries where the Rulers put down neceffary helps, and where the people are Erroneous, Heretical, and tlnruly, and fo where the people would choofe hnfutferabie men, fuppofing fill that no Church >s conftiruted without mutual content of the Fafor and the flock and that the Rulers alter not or violate not thrifts Laws by which he bath appointed the ordering of Allemblies.' Therefore it is the Rulers Office to hinder the people from doing mifchief, without hindering them from their duty and from doing well; To Govern them in their work,and not to forbid ir. 2. if the Gofpel be hid ( from the mind though not from the Ear ) it is hid to them Oat are loft 2. Cor. g,. 3. And without' l olinefs none tha?i fee God JJcb, 12,. 14. Chrift will come