Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

110111111 f 92 among us, a man that doth but fcruple certain Oaths, Subfcriptions, Covenants,Declarations,or a Ceremony, is charged by fome with Schifm. LV. The Difonce of Dot-trines or O6jeffive ,Re; ligion muft be diftinguifhed from the paffion and peevifhnefs, offubjeEtive &fiance of mens minds, e.g. Suppofe Grammarians differ about a Criti- eifim (whether Tlergilius or Virgilius) be the truer fpelling; and Philofophers differ de vacua, de definítionefpatii, temporis, Vic. de caufa motus projetforum, &c. and Divines differ of the tranf- lation ofa Text, of the antiquity ofthe Hebrew points, of the time ofEafter day, ofa Ceremo- ny, or Form ofPrayer, of the lawfulnefs of a Lay-Chancellors ufe of the Church-Keys;Would not an impartial ftranger fay, How concordant and happy are there men, that differ in no grea- ter matters ? And if they all fall together by the ears about fuch things as thefe, it is an ag- gravated Su6jeEtive Schifm, and a Marne to fuch wranglers, who deferve the remedy of fcolds : But Pure they that peaceably and calmly differ about the aforefaid things, viz, whether we are bound to Love God once a year ? whether the Pope may excommunicate and depofe Kings, that will not extirpate all Proteftants. Whether an excommunicate King may be murdered as no King, &c ? thefe are far more diftant really in point of Religion, than the other. LVI. And we mutt lainent that we find in Church-Hiftory, and by too much experience, that there hash been, and is in too many Paftors, filch a felfiflhnefs and high efteem of their own judgments, and fo little fenfe of the common weaknefs of mankind, and the lownefs of our higheft