Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[941 been greateft about the greateft Prelates, efpe.: cially the Bill-tops of Rome, Alexandria, Conjlanl tinople, Antaoch,&c. lince Dim4fus got that feat. by Conqueft in the Church , a multitude of Schifms have fallen out even when Princes chal- lenged the choice. A long time two at once; fometimes three, and once five or fix Popes li- ving that were and had been Popes. The Schifm of the Donatilts was fo caufed by Bifhop letup againft Bifhop; fo was that of the /oanstes at Contantinople, and ofDioform at Alexandria, and many more. But it mutt be noted, z, That the Ele Ling- Bithops- Priefts and Magiitrates bave oceafioned thele Schifms as much, if not far more than the ElcElilg-people have done 2. That yet Princes for many hundred years af- ter Conftantsnes time, did not think it meet to prevent fuch Schifms by depriving the People or Presbyters of their Eluting.-power ( much lets of Confent.) 5. That the Cure muff not be by altering Chrift's inftitution, and the Churches pra(ice continued 60o, if not Boo years, and with molt or many to this day ; nor by over- throwing the very Conftitution ofChurches,and the Law ofNature it Pelf; nor by introducing a greater evil; as it wouldbe to teach all people to receive all and only fuch Paftors as Princes every where fhall fet over them, and all Mini- fersfof Chrift to ceafe their Office when men forbid it them. LVIII. Obj. 4. But if Miniflersthemfelves muff be judges, whether a Magiftrate do juftly fl ence them, then none will take themfelves to be. filencedjutly ; andfo all Hereticks will Preach on It is the Rulers that muß judge,