196I lunion y i» the refpeWve `Churches 4. Every, mans Confcience' is that Prívatë difce ruing- ?udge of his own Duty and fin. ( Of :firbitratory`s or-Cenfurers we need not fpeak.) This all ofus are agreed in : And the question. [ whoJhall fudge ] is 1 i11` urged by . Lorne,: as if they thought that force manor men muft needs In all cafes, ( of Religion) be taken for fuch Abfolute 704us that what ,e er they Judge, all fubjeds muft obey it. And on this pernicious fuppottion is built the Popes pretended Infal- libility, becaufe they think that religion is fal- lible ( that, is, Gods Law )' if the judge ( that is an iguorant man, or men ) be fallible. But all Proteftants ( at leaft ) are agreed,that all men are Gods f: bjetts ; and that all humane Power of Legiflation, Judgement and ekecutioti is limited ; and that no Man May judge againft God or his Laws And that xnen fhould know Gods Laws,and justifie them and judgeby them, and condem - all that is againft. them ; _ But no Yuan hath power to condemn or:'contradit Gods Law it felf. No man bath power to judge that there is no God, no+Lifñetto :comae; no Chrift,; or xhát one word of God slfalfe,z .or to forbid one thing which God commándeth,or- command. one thing which God forbiddethno. man hath power to judge:` that fouls (hall be deprived of fuel" needful Teaching and Sacràtnents,'and publick worshipingofGod, as GOd hath provided, and commanded them to ufe.; _ Nor to forbid Chrifts faithful Minifters caufelefly to Preach his. Word, and worfhip him in theChurches, and administer his Sacraments ; Nor caufelefly to filence, or punieh them for fo doing : Therefore in this cafe our