Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

C 97 '7 our confciences would not be bound though Bill we profefs that Gods Law bindeth, us not to rebel; or take up arms agairaít their injuries, but patiently to bear them, and pray for our perfecutors. LIX. Ob j. Tou fay that Rulersmay not cam relefly pence or punfh fuch But (fill they are judges whet her there be wife. Anf:, They are fo,: For it is about their proper work. But they are Judges fubje(97 to God, to whom they íhall anfwer it if they difobey him. And the 'fubjeCts are p-°iv,ate diferning nudges, whether the Laws of Men contradict Gods Laws fo far as concerneth their obeying or not obeying them. We mutt Dill repeat, that the effe is before the fcire ; and the Beingof the cafe and 'Tuth,before the judging of it: either the Preacher defervetl3 Silencing or not, before yoù come to judge the cafe : if h, ougét to be filent the Rulers ought to j ridge fo,and do well: Ifnot,bu t he be innocent, or one that ought riot to be forbidden his Oftì .e, noman hath power from God to judge contrary and caufelefly to forbid him; And his conícrence is not formerly bound by that prohibition ; Though he mutt çtih keep his Loyalty and fub je&ori, and his care of the publick peace and welfare, LX. We conclude again, that feeiing we meet with none that will fay that Rulers may 7udgc that ve Pall not avorJh,p God, or that the Gofpel fhaál :,lest be preached, or that únmu(t obediently forfake Chrift, or go to Hell ; Nor with any Chriftian that will fay that without faith and hoiinefs we may be faved, we dread the coal& grtenci.