Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[1041 they can all wales, though lawful,that encourage true Schifms. 3. And we muff profefs, that ifany Preachers or people, fhall out of felfconceicrdnefs., pretend necJJity when there is none, their pre ;ence is no jureification of their diforder or difobedience. IOti+giitrates may regulate the Cir ;umf1anees of thou duties, which the Law of i aroe or the Golpel do Command:But ifon fuch pretence' of regulating Czrcumftancei, they will violate or contradi& either the Law of Nature, or the Gofpel, and deftroy the duty it fell, or its end, we are not ha;und in fuch cafes to obey them, but mu patiently fuller. LXV. 19 1f the Church Laws do exclude thofé. C :. rifie4ns that have right, from the Conti. ?bunion of the Curch, and .heir Children from Baphafn, and do decree r hat they 'hall be cxcomm ..nit 4te, and then laid in Gas1s, it feemeth to us no Sch `Tu in thofe perlons, to have no fuel! Communion with that Church which is deirNd them by the Laws of theChurch ; Nor firer t.-) join thetnfelves with another Church: that will receive therm And as we fay of the Papifzis, that they unjuffly call thofe men Schif- mat:ck°, whom they firft cart out themfelvesby unjgft excornnunication,fo may we ofany others; Efpecialiy when either for that which is a duty, or for forme frnall miftake which it isnot in the perlons power to reU.ifie, no greater than moil ;-rod Chrifians are guilty of, the Church Law fa rh that he fhall be excommunicate ipjo facto, by vviri h he is caft our antecedently to any fentence, eo place left for his pardon or forbearance by the f our of the Ordinary. he that is fo caft out,