Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

-41 LX X. 26, We have greatly lamented the true Schifmatical difpofïtion offome religion ly affened perlons, who make their fingularities or littledifferences, the occafions ofunchrifening, unchurching or degrading thofe that are wirer than themfelves, and running away from one another on pretence of difcipline, and avoiding fin. But yet we hold that gentle forbearing tolerable differences, even in diftinc`t Churches, guilty of Schifm,fo they be kept from unpeace- able revilingof others, is a meeter way to avoid the mifchiefs, than with prifon, fword or fire to exafperate them. It is noted that Neftoriu the Heretick was the firft fharp perfecutor of the Novatians : But molt of the better Bilhops to- lerated them, as did the Emperours : And two prudent gentle Bifhops ofConftantinople, Atticus and Proctus, reduced the yoannites, and lenified other divided Parties, which the fiercer men had made and kept up by their violence. SE T. VIA. Some Matters of Faccl preparirtou to t4 trfte licatbcn o f'wh t is 6e fàre hid dowit. E muff crave that ;uftice oftheReader as to note, that hitherto we have fpo- ken but of the DoE/Tina/part about Schirm, not applying it to Ergla72a or any others . Nor Thal( 'we now any otherwifè apply it,than to lay down ç rue little part of the Matters of Faf, which the