Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[127 r s. When the Parliament's Armies were worfted and weakened by the King, and they found themfelves in danger ofbeing overcome, they intreated help from the Scots, who taking the advantage of their ftraits, brought in the Covenant as the Condition of their help; which the Parliament rather accepted than they would lofe them, which at firft was impofed on none by force : But (to pals by all other Confidera- tions) was judged by many wife men, to be an occafion of divifion, as making the oppofition to Prelacy, to be the terms of the Kingdoms Unity and Concord, when they might know that the King and a great, if not the greateft part ofthe Kingdom, were of the contrary mind, and fo ir was thought to be (as the Papal terms of Unity) a means of unavoidable divifion : But others thought that becaufe it tied them to no endea- vours, but in their Places and Callings, they might take ir. 16. The Affembly of Divines at Wefiminj-er were men that had lived in Conformity, except about eight or nine of them., and the Scots : But being fuch as thought Conformity lawful in cafe ofdeprivations but the things impofed to be a Mare, which fhould be removed if it could be lawfully done, they alto received the Covenant, but were divided about the fenle of the word [Prelacy,] many profeffing their Judgment to be for Moderate Epilcopacy ; whereupon the de-' fcribing additions [Archbifhops, Bifhops, Deans, Archdeacons] were added . And upon fùeh a Pro- feffion that it difclaimed not all Epifcopacy, Mr. Coleman is laid to have given the Covenant to the Houle ofLords. And they complained of the