Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[1333 Browrig, Dr. I-Tan-rnaond , and others, who -all encouraged them ( though force much more than others ) by profeffing moderate, healing principles and intentions : And in London, and feveral Counties, the Noblemen, Knights, and Gentlemen that had ffill adhered to the King, profeft and publifhed their peaceable delires of Concord, and refolution againft revenge; And Letters were written from France to divers here, to takeoffall the 'un fulpicions that Tome had railed about the Kings Religion ; all which promoted the Concord that accomplifhed the Change. 27. Thole that .law the marvelous fuccefs of this - reconciliation and concord,, and knew that the Clergies elijtance was moft likely, if any thing, to hinder the happy perfection and fettle- ment of a full delred peace, did pref-ntly attempt an agreement among them: And upon the motion offome of the line filenced Miniftters, the Earl of Manchefter, and the Earl of Orery mentioning it to the King, they told us, that it was well pleating to His Majeftv : Whereupon His Majefl:y vouchfafing them audience,and great encouragement, feveral perfons on each fide were appointed to treat of the nfeef fry terms of fetled Concord and to yield to each other as.; far as they could, and offer their mutual concefl-ìons : What was done in this is not notv to be mentioned, five that part of it was publifhed by forne,body, which declareth ir, and the fill part being about Church Government and woríhip, ifTiied in the publication of'His Majefties Gracious Declaration about Ecc6fia ical 4ff'a;rs, by which all our breaches feetned at K 3 the