[1391 nifters whom in other refpets we nm h efteem and love, who (as if Truth, Charity, fMice and Humanity had been forgotten by them) affirm in print that All the Nonconfo ,mils were guilty of the Fang's Death; paffing over what is aforefaid ofthe Conformifts ; and others of them crying out to Magiftrates to execute the Laws on us, by the urged Motive of their late fequeftrations and fufferings : as if they knew nor, or would not have others toknow, how few Nonconfor- mifts in Parliament or Militia there were at the beginning of the War in comparifon of the Con- formifts ,; and howmuch the fecond, third and following Caufes, Parties, and Tragedies in that War, were ditliked by the now Epifcopal and Presbyterian Nonconformifs. 36. The people who now adhere to the Non conformifts, who were at age before the Wars ( whom we that write this were acquainted with) had very hard thoughts of the Bifhops perfons, and fome of Epifcopacv it felf, becaufe of the forefaid filming of Minifters, and ruining ofhoneft men, about Sunday-fports, Reading that Book, and other fuch things, befides Noncon- formity : But when the Minifters that guided them, began to Teem more reconciled to the Epifcopal Party, and upon the reports and pro- mifes which they had heard, had put them in hope that the next Bithops would prove more moderate, peaceable and pious, than the former, and would by experience avoid divifions and perfecution, the Paid people began to be enclined to more reverent and favourable thoughts of Epifcopacy and theeithops ; and were, upon ex- perience ofthe late confufions, in a far fairer way