Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

F1541 fo many hundred 'thoufands as are in this Dio- eels ? Or to many icore thoufands as are in man .. others ? 3. An l as the Miniffers rarely certiíie' according to the Canon, f, the Bi!hop is not tyed to take his content, but may thus impofe Confirmed perfrns on his Cotnmunion, though he know them to be never fo ignorant or un_ meet. 4 And it is Children that are, thus to be con.firmt-d, who rarely ever come fo young to own with any Tolerable understanding and teri- ou1hefs, their B;l;rifmal Covenant. Few ofus by experience can fats,` that we did. it of many years after that we had learned-i the Lords Prayer- t &c. s, And no-other qualification is ne- cefTary, but that hé learn the Creed, Lords- Prayer, Decal ague, and CChtirch, the bare words of which arë learnt by rote by multitudes of Children', who underítand little or nothin of what they fay : We do not find, that perfons !lay unconfirmed till they are adult, that any Herefie or wickednets of life, is a bar to their cOntìrmation_; . mach lets are they, re- quired to bring any teftimonv, that Hthey live according to their Baprifmal Covenant. 6. And as far as we can learn, but a very final! part of this Kingdom in ,comparifön of the refit, that ever were confirmed. 7. Nor know we many rvi =lifters that ever examined their people gene- rally, whether they were ready and willing to be confirmed. VI. The Nonconformtble Laity are ejected from the Communion of the Church, and their-Children (that are difpofed of by them) from Baprifin, Cbriffendom and Chriltian burial, if not from falvat on, as fa.r as in the Church lyeth