Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

I lOI" Tonconfortpifts would refufe It in that fenfe. 3 Whether ,they w ill give leave to the Papists and all other f` bens to take the Oath ofAlle- giance in fuch a kind of fenfè. and expotition. But there is one that path defended this as true atd tells us that by the [full moon ] ¡Snot meant that which we call the full moon, or the fame that's meant in the other parts of the Book, but by the full moon is meant [ the mea ,3 Conjunt`ion ] and [ the fourth of April that year 1664 Or [14dies after the ancient new moon forma by the Golden number the 14th day of t he Eccleßaflical Cylclrc monti. ]For an old Mafs Book faith [ Poft zeris ccyutnoLtam Quxre pleniluniunì e' Dominica pro.. ima facrprs celebra .Pafcha Non vaiies inveneris f mille legas Codices.] q. 1. Are we hire this Mats Book meant not pl'niluniam as we do properly ? eflè 2..And are we fare they erred not that twr o .e this? Z.efl, 3. And yet are you fore what they meant? ß;e/1.4. Would you perfwade us that our Convocation nowborrowed their Direction from this Mafs Book ? el. 5. Are you fuse that this Mafs Book fhould be our rule hereiiá of fpcaking or inter preting? . Qgeft. 6. And yet not in the Cale radar and other pairages in our Liturgy ? _Qei. 7. Did the the Convocation intend that we fhould not here understand [ vie full moon properly, nor as in all the reit of the Book? e(t, 8. If this defender be in the right, was there ever a plainer way made to bring all men>