Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

L17ii i rlve äboútthe wörd The thing we are agreed of, viz. That the Prieft confenteth not to Bap- tize them, who dare not receive it with the ufe of the Crofs: Whether this be to be called a rejecting them., or denying themBaptifm, unlefi they will be fo croffed, we need not call for extraordinaty accuratenefs to judge. s. No Conformifts do pretend that this ufe of this Image of The Crofs, is of divine inftitution But all confess that Baptifm is ofdivine inititution; and that Chrift bath Commanded Math. z8. 19. 20. That they that are difcipled fhould be Bap tined; and that one may be a dfciple ofClrifti . without the Image of the Crofs 6. Some of the Nonconformifts hold their nee of the Crofs it Pelf here unlawful : But others that would venture to ufe it rather than be filenced, yet fear the guilt of denying Baptifin, Chriftendon and certainfalvation ( as the Church )ndgeth ) to all that dare not receive it,' or prefent their Children to receive it; believing that .murdering natural life is a lefs hurt. than undoing fouls. 7. BLit Covenanting by deliberate frdbfr1 pion and declaration to do ir, how oft fvever, they fear more than the a tual doing of it rarely, ; nor daring to do their part to damn the. Children of all that are against Baptizing with the Crofs, nor all the unbaptized adult that are ofthat opinion. XI. And as they fear rejeaing fuch 'as wilt not be fo Croít,from Baptifm: Co they much fear the Englfh of of the Crofs thetnfelves ; and that much more than Croffing our felt' -s on ordinary occafions, or fètting .up Croffes on our doors or Churches or by the high wares; and yet inucli wore