Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[1793 cé this Child into theCongregation ofChrzflsflock cc ( here the Prief Pall make a Croft upon the " forehead) and do fgn him with the fign of the " Crofs, in token that hereafter he (hall not be " a/hayed to confefs the faith of Chit Crt:c ced; csnd manfully to fight under his banner, againf% " fan, the world and the devil; and to continue Chrifts faithfulfervant andfouldier Unto his lives " end, Amen. 2. The Rubrick to which we Affent and Con -. fent, referreth us to the 3nth Canon, a, giving' ins the true explicatiars t ere?f, and the juf t; realns, th. The Canon fifth [Chrit ians /7g red. "'their Children therewith when they wereChrif`ned1 " to dedicate. them by that badge to hisfervice, " whole benefits befowed on thein in Baptife the '' name of the Croft did reprefent.i,] The C'hurc. 6C of England accounteth it a. lawf d outward SC Ceremony, and honourable badge, whereby the In- fant is dedicated to the feriii e of him that dyed. " on the Crofs, as by the wards vied in the Common tc Prayer it may appear. 3. The Liturgy's .Prefac9 of Ceremonies faith_ LC [ tbat they ferve to agodly drfipline, and :are. "Fisch .Rs be apt to fir up the dull mindof man, t4 " the remembrance of his duty to God by form " notable andfpecial;¢gn=facatïon,-wietch he might-. ce be edifycd. i 4, e fuppofe that here t. The fign is the tranfent Image of the Croft tired inGods ;f rvice. The particular fervice in which is ufed, is our Baptifielal Covenanting with God ;. The thing fignified by the lign it felf is theCrof.r, and paffion of Chrift. . 4. The thing fignihed by the RPceivis; r o at ",, that we do as Covenanters N proref;