[IS1 u,ne be admitted to the holy Communion, tillfuch time as he be confirmed, or be ready and defìrous tobe confirmed,] that is, In themanner prefcribed by the Liturgy. This, as it concerneth the Con- formity of the Lay-receiver, is fpoken ofbefore. But now as it concerneth the Minifters Aíl'ent and Content. 2. Some that take this for a very ufe- ful paffage, as it enableth them to hold back force uncapable perlons, dare not approve ir, and content to it, as it denieth the Church Commu- nion which Chrift giveth c commandeth, to per- fons ofunblemifhed uprightnels and piety,if they will not profefs themfelves willing to be confirmed by our B(hops in the manner before defcribed ; though they are willing to own their Baptilmal Covenant; and few in moft places are confirmed. XIII. The Liturgy faith; that [No manfhould come to the holy Communion but with a rll tail in God's mercy, and a quiet Conf,ience.] To which we muff declare, Affenr, Appprobation and Con- fait. 2. The fente of thefe words remairth dubi- ous, whether it fpeak de neceffitate pracepti, vel aaaedii : Some think that the meaning is, that it is the Duty of all that cometo theCommunion, to have a full truft, and a quiet Conlcience : O- thers think that the meaning is only, that all fhould fee(thefë : Others think that tht meaning is, that theyJhould not come without them. Their reafons are, I. From the plain fignification ofthe words : No manJhould come but with,(c.]which mull differ from[T"hey that come ought to be fdxh] 2. Becaufe the necefJitas præcepti may be affirm- ed ofperfect obedience fince our ufe ofreafon : It is every mans duty not to fin at all : And it is N 3 every