[i82. every mansduty to believe,and loveGod,not on =, ly fince-rely_but with a iironger Faith and Love; and its every mans duty to feek afterrerfedion: And yet no man will fay that we Mould not come to the Communion, but with high degrees ofgrace, or with perfec`ïion. 3, And the words are not that theyfhouldfeck it, but that they Mould not come without ir. 3. The Nonconformifts confers that all men ought to have a full 1'rufl, and a quiet Confcience But they think that many i000 good Chriftians have but a weak Faith cr ?Jruf, and an .unquiet Ccnfcience : And that the Eucharifi is a Confirm- in and Comforting Sacrament, and that thofe that bave a weakTruJt, andunquiet Confcience, Mould come for ftrengthening and comfort, and be en- couraged to come. 4. Therefore feeing no entreaty will prevail with the Impofers after fo many years time to explain there, and many other Inch words, they think that the ufual fenfe of fetch words mutt be the meafure of their expofition ; and therefore they dare not profefs Affent, and Approbation, and Confent, till they are better explained to them. X I V. The Liturgy requireth that the Prieft ,deliver the Cerra munion to the people into their hands, All-meekly kneeling. 2. The 27th. Canon faith, [No 11/limiter fall w<ttingly admi'ntfter the fame to any, but to filch as c.nd`er pain c, ff?-fpenflon. 3 The Conformitls differ among themfelves about the tente oftie Liturgy herein, viz. whe- ther [e:711 kríeelin-g] a prohibition to de- liver it to any that kneel not : fome fay 1\7o: that it