[y g3 1 it only bids themgive it to fuch as kneel,but not to deny it others, though the Canon do. Others fay, yea that it requireth us to give it to no others. Their reafons are i. Becaufe olfe the precept fignified nothing, if men were after it left at liberty. 2. Becaufe (.All] plainly exclud- ethothers. 3. Becaufe the Canon being the de- crees of the fame Church, expoundeth the Li- turgy ; and it is abfurd to fay that their Rubri,ck leaveth the Minifter at Liberty to do that fame thing for which the Canon fuf)endeth him.4.Be- caufe we, muff affil fubfcribe that we will ufe no otherfarm of ad, ïyaigrat on, bat that of the Li- turgy ; which Reafons we judge to be cogent. 4. The Nonconformists differ among them- (elves about kneeling tome taking it to be fin- fully fcandalous on the reafons before given ; and rome taking it for lawful. But they commonly hold that it is finfull, cruelty and Schifin for them as Minifters to caft any true Chill}inns out of Chrift's Church and Communion of Saints, and to deny them the body and blood of Chrift, which he hath commanded his Church to deli- ver and receive, on fo frnall a reafbn as this not kjeeling : r. Confidering the three reafons which are before mentioned as the caufe of their doubt, 2. And that the Holy Ghoft Rom. 14. comtnandeth both Paftors and People to bear with, and receive each other, notwithfLmding fuch kind ofdifferences : 3. And that good mens judgments in fuch cafes are not in their own power : 4. And that to tie Communion to filch doubtful Circumstances will certainly carafe Schifm ; and fuch doings have long diftrafted Chrift's Churches through the world.. S. And N 4 Chrift