Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

184" Chrift hath commanded all his true Difciples to live in Ioving concord and communion : But kneelers and not kneelers are his true Difciples 6. And men muff not be caft out ofthe Churches Communion even for grofr and heinous fins, unlefs they add obfl:inate impenitenr_y. There-- fore they dare not Affent, Approve, Content to, ar Praftice, this rejecting of godly Chriftians for not kneeling in the aft of receiving, from thofe priviledges which Chrift by his teltament hath given them. XV.' By the Liturgy every Parifhioner is to communicate twice 4 year, and by the Canon and 1 arute to be compelled fo to do : and the Churchwarden to prefent them that do not.And thole that do not in a certain time, are to be EXCOA4 v- çATED , and after laid in Gaol during life, unless they conform. To the Liturgies Impolztion we muff profefs Alrent, &c. a. Not every Parifhioner (yea in our expe- rience not one ofmany) hath a full truft in God's .Mercy, and a quiet Confcience, without both which they are not tocome. 3 Many good_Chrifcians have fo great a fenfe of their fins and unworthinefs,that they dare not communicate till they are fitter: And fome are lb timerous and Melancholy, that hearing the Liturgy threaten men to be given up to the De- and eat and drink their own damnation, if they eat and drink unworthily, it would drive them by fear into diftraaion Mould they take it, till they have better thoughts of their title and preparations; fo that their dilemma is fad,when they are either to go to Bedlam, or to the co,m- on Gaol. 4. "r0