I-185] 4, To fay that all there doubting and timerons people fhould be otherwife minded, and that this is their crrour, is true, but as impertinent, as it is to tell all men that they Thou ld neve? fin or all ignorant carnali ungodly men that theyfhould be wife andgodly: But to conclude that men should receive the facrament, becaufe they ought to be prepared, though they are not prepared, is fome- what like telling the lick that they Mould work and eat,as they ought to have done ifby intern- perance they had not difabled themfelves. S. There are many among us who are con- fcious of Infidelity, Atheifm, Sadduceifm and Heretic., and force of many fecret heinous fins; fume of there in their hearts deride Chriilianity and the fàcrament ; And the other are afraid of increafing their damnation : But yet do not make known their fin : But it is notorious that -abun- dance of fuch there be : And the doubt is whe, ther there should be compelled to the façrament thrice a year, ¢. The Noneonformifts hold, that to deliver a man, that facrament, is to deliver him the body and blood of Chrift, and therewith a fealed par- don of fin, and guift of life eternal ; And they think that the terms on which there are to be received, are'[wholly devoting our felve.ç to Chriff, denying all, and takingup our Crofs and following him. And therefore that to fay [ Receive the facranent,or lie in a Gaol] feemeth much to alter the terms of the Gofpel, which faith [ If thou canfi notfuffer a Gaol for Chrif%,thou art unworthy of him. It is he that can forfake all for Chrift, that is fit for the facrament, and not lie that would not Communicate without the fear of a prifon