[186] prifon or other p°unifhment, To give the facra; ment, is to give more than all the riches of the world, which none but volunteers and defirers are fit for. 7. The ancient. Churches made delinquents long beg for fuch great priviledges and gifts, knowing that to give them to thofe that are unwilling, is to fabvert the Gofpel. But they never laid [Receive them or go to Gaol.] 8. Were it but granted in England that the great gift ofChrift's bodyand blood, and holy Corn- m nion fhould bM adviniftred and received freely, that is, only given by and to voluntary agents and receivers,, it would heal almoft all the Englifh differences, between Epilcopal,Presbyterians and Independents. 9. Yet the Nonconformifts are not againft the encouraging of Communicants by fpecial favours, nor the prudent compelling of Ignorant men to hear the truth, nor the hindering of pernicious herefies moderately. But the forefaid corpulfion of all Parifhioners they dare not Approve. XVI. The Minifler according to the Liturgy is himfelfto give the Eucharift to many , to whom the Nonconforrifls dare not give it : For they muft give it thrice a year to all theParifhioners, except filch as are proved (to him that hath no power to examine them or witneffes) to be in malice towards others, or to be in any fcan- dalous fin, and that but for that time, till they are accufed and acquit, or ftill permitted, viz,. r. They mull give it tomany that conferat not to be any part of their charge, nor take them for their P4frors,but bid them deny then the Sacra- ment