[187] ment if they dare, ti a L they content not to the relation. 2. they mutt gfve if to multitudes' of theg7cß);ç ;f rtit,who know not the tfientials ofChrifiianity or the Sacs rent, nor will ccme to hem to he taught : When by fame, yea cr pet-feral kr;cV ledge,thcy knowdiem to be fuch, yet without I roof( nor we think with proof) they cannot refufe atm. 3. It is known that Infidels and deriders cf Scripture and mans Immortal Rave, do fwaini more among us. And yet they mutt all Communicate till v<e can bring proof of it againft Tart cular jetfoils : When few men that re} crt it v+ ill acode their neighbours and prove the accufaticn for fear of their difpleafure : 4. We muff give it to all the ungodly that are dill-Mil by a Lay. Ghancellour after accufatio°n, 5. We muff give it to all that are unwilling to receive ir, fcbeit they had rather take it than lie in a Gaol and be undone. 3. On thefe terms the Nonccnfotn-iïfìs dare not Af enr, Confent to and Approve the giving of it as is prefcribed. 4. It is confeffed that compelled Receiving is not commanded by Ghriít, ncr was ufed by the Church, for many hundred years, even after Emperours were Chriflians.. XVII. The Liturgy requireth Minifters at Bu- rial, to ufe thefe words, importing the fàlvation ofthe perfon : [Fcrafmch as it bathpleafed Al mighty God ofhisgreat mercy,to take to himfelf the foul ofour dear Brother,here departed] And [ We give tbee hearty thanks fcr that it hathpleafed thee to deliver this our Brother out of ac m.fcries óf this Nut world] And [That we may rift in h., es our hope is this our Brother cloth.] 2. The Conforrnifts are net agreed of-the fenfe of