[r 88] of trefe words : One fort of them fay, that all thefe words import not the fa:lvation oftheper- fon: But the reft have more ingenuity, end con- fefs that elfe the words are not intelligible, and that fuch equivocation is not tolerable. 3. Some of them fay that there paffages are good,fuppofing Difcipline well exercifed ; which if it be not,it is not the fault of the Liturgy. But others confider that i. We know that Difcipline is not fo exercifed as they fuppofe : 2, And that there paffages are not to be approved and ufed whether Discipline be fo exercifed or not : The meaning is not [f approve ofthis where Difcipline ù well exercfed. 3. It is known that the Bifhops will not have every Prieft to be Judge. 4. The Canon ( which is the work of the fame Church) thus expoundeth the Churches meaning ; Can. i4, [.111 Minifters fhall obferve the Orders, Rites and Ceremonies preferibed in the Bookof Common-Prayer, as well in reading the ho- ly Scriptures, andlayingof Prayers, as in admini- firation ofthe Sacraments, without either dimi nífhing in regard of Preaching, or in any other re- fpec`t ; or adding any thing in the matter or form thereof.] (Thisalto concerneth molt ofthe cafes before inftanced , in, as Expolitions of the Churches meaning.) S. And Can. 68. its Paid [ No Mirifter JhalI refuge or delay to bury any Corps that is brought--- in'fuch manner and form as is prefcribed in the Book ofCommon- Prayer: And if he (hall refute -- -to bury f ch, except the party deceafed were denounced excommunicated MjPori Bxcommun i- catione, for fomegrievous and notorious crime,and no man ahie to teft>fie ofhis repentance, hefhall be jufpended by the Bsfhop. 6, The