Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[1891 6. The new Edition of theLiturgy increafeth the exceptions thus[The Office enfning is not to be ufedfor any that die unbaptized, or excommuni- cate,or that have laid violent hands on thensfelves.] 7. Note i. That many children ofgood Chri- flians by furprize die unbaptized : 2. Many god- ly fober perfòns are excommunicated for fore point of Nonconformity : 3. Some upright Chriftians in phrenfies, melancholies and diftra- dions make away themfelves. S. Note, That Atheifis , Infidels, Sadduces, Blafphemers, Whoremongers, &c. fwarm now among us, and we rarely hear of any one of thefe multitudes that are excommunicated ; fo that they are not excepted. 9. It cannot be denyed, that exc'eptio firmat regulam in non exceptis : fo that no other mull: be excepted. Ito. It is known that all England conf fls of all the Individuals,and all the people are all England; II. We commonly Preach that without Faith and Holinefs none fhall fee God ; and that Whoremongers, Drunkards, &c. cannot enter into the Kingdom ofHeaven. 12. Therefore either we confent to pronounce almoft all fuch to be faded (at a time when our words take the deepeft impreffion,) or elfe more exceptions muff be made. 13. Some fay that the Excommunicable are included in the Excommunicated; But the Canon and the exprefs words of the Liturgy, and the Churches abhorrence that the Prieft fhall be Judge, do fo notorioufly confute th isbold af- fertion, that by fuch ftretches almoft any thing may be faid or (worn, and it fhall not be known by authority,when,or how far any Subje& is ob- liged by Covenants or Oath!, XVIII.The