Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[190] xvIII. The Liturgy requireth [ that fch ornaments ofthe Church and of the Minifers there- ofat all .t ìnaes of their Minifration, pall be re- trainedandinof ,as were in this Church of ,England . by the authority of Parliamant in the 2d. rear of Ed. 6. 2 The Canon ofthe faune Churchexpoundeth their meaning cap. 58. Thus [every Minifter fayitg the fi,1Glickprayers or Ìvdini`tring the Sacra- ments or other rires of the Church, fhali wear a decent and comely Surplice 6.'c. 3. We fuppofe in the 2d. of King Ed. 6. The Cope, Alb and other veftments were in ufe, which fèetn forbidden by the Common- Bray=er Book in the 5th. and 6th. of Ed. 6. 4, The Confortnifis agree not of the fente of this Rubrick, i. Whether all thefe are hereby reduced or not. 2. Whether it forbid all Mini- fters to officiate without a Surplice,or onlyCom- .fnand the ufe ofit, without an implyed penalty: But the words, and the forecited Canons thew that the Church intended an exclufion ofall that will not tit it: And we mutt fùbfcribe to admi- biffer in no other form. 5. The Nonconformifts differ about the Sur- plice ; fbme taking it to be Lawful, and others ro be unlawfal: But they Commonly hold that Preaching Clirifts Gofpel is commandedby God, and that Minihers by their ordination areobliged to do the work of that Office, and that Surplices are not commanded by God ; and therefore, ifa man rniftakingly Mould take the ufe of the Surplice to be Gnful, he fhould not therefore be ejected andfile/aced : And therefore they dare not declare Approbation and G'c,nRnt to the Rubrick Of