[1911 or uì bfcribed form in the Canon which implyeth this reftraint. XIX. The Dárnnatory sentences in the Creed called Athvrnfves's,are to be Affented, Approved and`Confented to. ' 2. If they referred but to the Doarine of the Trinity,and not to the particulars of that explica- tion,it would not be excepted againft : But fomc R. Reverend Conformists do profefs that thofe fentences are rintrue, and not to be approved. 3. Fut íìich think that the Churches mean- ing is not to require us to .offert on4pprove them gs true,but only to Coritlt to tfe them: And they prove it,becaufe the fame Church requireth us to Reed the Books of Tobit, &-c, which have palpa- ble urtruths,and not to believe them to be true. 4. But that realen feemeth null and vain i. Eccaufe the .frpccrrpha is ro part ofthe Book to which we muff Profefs Afienr, Approbation and Confcnr;ner to w hich by the Canon we muff ex, ammo fì<bfcribe, that there ir nothing in it conm3y Yr ; b Cid e (YCd. But .4tlarafRs's Creed, with thofe damratory fintences are part of that Book. Indeed the Liturgy requireth u to read thofe Apocryphal untruths, but they are ro part of the Beck : 2. And it being not the enfè of the Liturgy, but cf a Statute ofParlia- ment, which «e here doubt of, it feemeth in-- fuficicnt, ifnot impertinent, to all us what is taken for the knfe of the Ch,A7 ch ; fer the doubt is What the fufe t fthe li, ?Tkcrt, which we can no otherwife knew but t.y the pain words, . till they will otherwife declare their meaning.. And indeed if the ptfiìges in Tibit, which ffcne Reverend Bifl-.cf s call Ties (about the A.rztl's